Lake Worth, West Palm Beach 

Welcome to Lake Worth Hi 12 Club

High Twelve is an organization of Master Masons That support Masonic causes with special emphasis on youth support and patriotic events. There are over 3,000 members in over 130 clubs nationwide and in foreign countries.   

Although only Master Masons can join High Twelve, anyone is welcome at the meetings.  A typical meeting is brief in its business, full of fellowship, and includes a program usually a speaker, on a limitless range of subjects.  Some clubs have ladies at all of the meetings, while others have ladies on special occasions. 

High 12 Export.mp4

High Twelve is an association dedicated to the unification of Master Masons, independent of the formal ritual of Lodge, but dedicated to service to the fraternity.  Just a few or our accomplishments have been to develop long lasting friendships, encourage and support our public school systems and participate in constructive community activities and to preserve the principles of good government based on the rights of the individual.

Lake Worth Chapter NO 316